Saturday, December 31, 2011


Setting goals is a KEY component in our homeschool. Homeschooling is our life - everything we do is educational - really. Think about your own life, you do it too whether you homeschool, unschool, send you kids to private/public schools or some random combination of each of these educational philosophies... as humans every experience we have is one of learning... so at the end of the year, society joins in and makes goal setting (what is commonly called making a resolution) the 'thing' to do. GREAT - let's do it!!!

I like to pick a word, or a short phrase as the foundation for my goal...

I struggled this year - honestly - I was dreaming of words and rolling over sleepless. What if I can't think of one that is truly meaningful to me??? I really LOVE my attitude of Gratitude and the appreciation for little things that I have focused on in the past. I don't want to let go of those... and POOF - it hit me. Making a new goal does not in anyway mean I have to stop living/fulfilling my past goals. Sometimes I can't see the forest through the trees. I get trapped by over-thinking things. shh - don't tell my husband :-)

so here it is, my goal for 2012:


 I will keep my attitude of Gratitude from 2010 and my appreciation for the little things from 2011.

 Gratitude + Little Little Things = Contentment.

Happy new year - thank you for being part of my life!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Your Best Work

believe in encouraging kids - we all do. I also firmly believe in self assessment and self evaluation. That's why For every assignment I give both at home and in my school classroom I say - do your best work. They are starting to listen and UNDERSTAND....
Today - a 6th grader (So I began his training last year)and I had this conversation about an in class book report project. I laid out brown bags, construction paper, egg cartons, empty tissue boxes, tp tubes, craft sticks... you get the idea. The students were to create WHATEVER they wanted from the supplies. This allowed them to be creative without any background influences from parents who like to do book report projects :-)Mrs Gandara...

Yes LoveBug...

I am totally so proud of this zombiekins I made. It turned out so awesome. (two tissue boxes and construction paper)

Why are you so Proud LoveBug?

Because Mrs. Gandara (In a loud voice) This is MY BEST WORK.

And how does it feel Sweetie to KNOW this is your best work -

Awesomer than Awesome!

And I tell him - I want you to feel that way whenever you turn ANYTHING in.... think about that.

He just grinned.

Needless to say He dragged his mom in after school to see it - that's what happens NATURALLY when kids create without "help"

- as helpful as we think our help is...

I like to suggest to helpful parents, Homeschool Teachers as well as Classroom teachers...

Lay off the "requirements" - take a break and see what amazing things kids can do :-)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

So how EXACTLY do you do it....

I can't tell you how many times I get that question. Or, it's just the opposite. People assume because I am a teacher homeschooling was a natural choice... but you see I run my classroom and my home school very differently... I'm not here to tell you my way is better. No way! I'm just here to tell you my way - to share and give you ideas about how I do it, what works for my family.