The sister blog to Happy Hive Homeschooling. Your homeschool Mindset matters.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Last Day of Fall - First day of Winter
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Merry Christmas!
So much for keeping up with this blog... but if you're reading - I hope you enjoy this review of 2009 with our family!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Monday, September 7, 2009
Change of Grade Day 2009
Breakfast is special on the first day... Alphabits

Here are the bugs discovering what's inside

It is a tradition to walk to school on the first day... so here we go!

We drove up to a local apple orchard - Los Rios Rancho for a First Day Field Trip!

The bugs took a workshop (that we just happened to luck out and discover!) on Animal adaptations and their senses. After Douglas showed the teachers his super speed (he is a super hero you know) the bugs got to listen, touch, and learn all about local animals and their adaptations. The perfect classroom!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Field Trip!
All the kids in front of a statue of Fr. Serra and an indian child. Douglas thinks he is silly!
Friday, May 1, 2009
When Mrs. Crabtree calls in sick...

Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Results are IN!
Thank you for helping us with our graph... we discovered that unlike the Egyptians - the Friends of the Gandara Bug Academy seem to like Dogs best... among all responses there were 25 dogs!
We learned some fun things about Sugal Gliders and the difference between a turtle and a tortise as well... Enjoy our graphs!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Egyptians Loved their Pets!

Monday, April 6, 2009
Adventuring through Ancient Egypt!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Learning isn't always book work!
The official curriculum of the Gandara Bug Academy for the 2008 - 2009 school year is the Magic Tree House series of books by Mary Pope Osbourne. We are still exploring the Medieval Times of Knights and Castles...but sometimes the bugs have their own ideas and we just GO FOR IT!!! Last week Megan was working hard on some folded paper thingy- so I asked her what it was... It's an invitation to Quacker's Birthday she replied... Oh Quackers is having a birthday??? (news to me!) But we went with it- I mean why NOT... Megan made invitations with a picture of Quackers on the out side and the words: HAPYBURSDA on the inside... for those of you wondering it says: Happy Burst Day - think of haow a child would say it and think it is spelled. She planned the menu ( a Tea Party) and had games all planned... I made a quick run to the store for some przes and cupcake mix and the Party was ON!
Here Megan scoops cupcake mix into the mini muffin pan to make "crumpets". The party Guests - Lauren, Megan, Douglas and our cousin Ethan... Molugin (mulligan) Kode, (Kody), Smoke (Smokey), and Tigr (Tiger) were also invited... Momma and Ant Anna (not a typo - that's how Megan spelled it) came to the party as well.
The Birthday Girl, Quackers was turning 4.

Here she is munching her crumpets!
Now Megan has a good feel for Party Planning- a skill I'm sure she will use a lot in life. The event did create somewhat of a snowball effect because The next day I found more invitations.... Come to Buloney's Party.... I laughed and told Lauren we'd indeed celebrate Bull's birthday - just how about in February!