Thursday, January 31, 2013


Because I subscribe to the philosophy that everything we do is a learning experience it's never a problem to "cancel" the traditional lessons and say, take a cruise! 

This actually was a VERY SPECIAL cruise. Daddy's godmother was celebrating her 60th birthday and her wish was for the entire family to go together on a cruise. - This was in my opinion, a once in a lifetime event. This is something no school (Except ours!) can provide! So off we went. And boy did we LEARN A LOT! 

The god-parents rented a "party bus" to get all of us to the cruise ship. Goodness was that just the best way to start off a family vacation. I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids, adults or the god-parents themselves! 

  Favorite Aunt Christy remains the favorite by gathering all the nieces and nephews early to snag the hot-tub. The pool was FREEZING, but they ended up swimming if they wanted. 

When we got off the ship we took a bus to see La Bufadora. Anthony and I had seen it when we were young and dating, so taking the kids to see it was amazing.  This is a blowhole and Mexican folklore says it is a holy place. - It's absolutely magnificent, and defiantly created by God- so I consider that Holy indeed. 

Who doesn't want a traditional Mexican tourist picture? 4 Mexicans and 1 Italian seen here! 

A lovely evening with the opportunity for a Family picture. 

When we returned - the Bugs had plenty to write about in their journals and I have 100s of pictures to scrapbook. This is one of my favorites! 

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