Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Donate Hair

Both of my Girl Bugs are blessed with the most beautiful hair. Megan's was long enough to donate. The spirit of giving is important to foster. They can grow their hair back, there are kids out there that an not grow hair at all. (Besides, these hair cuts are stinkin' adorable!)

Do onto others....How do you promote giving in your school?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Colonial History Day

I am so blessed to remain part of a homeschool group even though we moved out of the area. Today we drove back into Banning?Beaumont for our Homeschool Colonial Day. 

 Douglas  studied all about Farming and brought his main crop - Corn. 
 Lauren has bakery goods all ready to 'sell'
Megan provided everyone with a quilt making activity

 Here you can see the group as they gathered to listen to each other present their information. 
Overall the day was a HUGE hit! 

When you work together events like this are easy to do! 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Same Philosophy

The S family - although the Grasshopper attends traditional school, they share the same "homeschool" philosophy as we do and are always seeking opportunities for enriched learning experiences. Today we went to the zoo together and it was out of this world. I don't know who enjoyed it more, the kids or the adults. 

 I need my posed pictures for the scrapbook albums you know. 
 Little man is so full of curiosity. He wanted to see and touch everything! Imagine if we could pet a real Lion! 

The cheetah run was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! That cat was not only fast, but beautiful. You could hear his paws pounding the ground. It was extremely interesting to see the companion dog and learn how they are friends. 

Homeschooling is not meant to be done on an island - alone. Find other families to share experiences with. Even if they don't homeschool! 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Take time for you!

Most Homeschooling Moms are Stay -At-Home-Moms. I'm a Working Homeschool Mom - Perhaps you are too. Whatever kind of Homeschool Mom you are it is important you take time for you. My "ME TIME" comes in the form of scrapbook weekend get-aways with my Squirly Scrappy Sisters. We rent out a retreat house for a weekend and just scrapbook for the entire 4 days. It's divine. Then I'm refreshed for my Family, students and life.... 

If you can't get away - do something. Perhaps 1 Saturday every few months go out with your friends, or even by yourself. Get a massage, manicure - go to the movies - have a nice lunch (that someone else cooked!) - you get the idea! Take some me time THIS MONTH! 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Can't afford private school? Home Schooling is an option!

Someone once told me my kids don't go to Catholic School. I beg to differ. I can't check that "box" when I fill out my PSA in the state of California - but I teach Religion everyday - AND my kids must attend the parish Faith Formation classes. The Catholic Faith permeates my homeschool. (I happen to be a Catholic School Teacher myself - so while I run my homeschool differently than a traditional classroom, I think my kids ARE getting a Catholic Education equivalent to going to a private school. In fact if I can step onto my high horse, and I can - it's my blog, they are getting a BETTER education). 

So those of you that can't afford to send your kids to a fancy private school, do not despair! Homeschooling is an option. YES YOU CAN - even if YOU are not a teacher, but that's a post for a different day. 

Douglas received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion today. The S family and his bestie the Grasshopper were here with us as usual! My boy definitely has Jesus in his heart! 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Should I freak out?

The bugs are a complete muddy mess. They have dug a hole in the yard and filled it with water. They are taking "mud pies" and throwing them, splashing the mud all over the place, including themselves. The squeals of delight are what drew me to the yard.

Now, some back story...we live in my childhood home. My father still owns it...and he NEVER let us did, play or otherwise tamper with his "Forest" yard. What is he going to say when he sees what his grandchildren have done? (Turns out nothing, wimpy old man!) My dilemma is the conflict of letting them have fun and disciplining them for destroying part of the yard.  Not to mention their clothing!

However - I am secretly DELIGHTED - my bugs play together 99% of the time awesomely, and this is one of them. They are working as a team. They are laughing and having fun beyond measure. They are learning things I can never create in any lesson plan. How can I stop them... I don't. When Daddy gets home he can figure out a way to fill in the hole and the kids now have muddy play clothes. The world will keep spinning.

I go back inside and get the camera. This is one for the scrapbooks!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Choir remains a big part of our life. Lauren and Megan are blessed to continue to sing in the Children's Choir under the direction of Fr. Art. This is an activity we can participate in with no pressure! It's easy to walk to practice as needed and if we miss for any reason, we can still sing on Sunday - unlike a sport. Having only 1 car is sometimes a challenge, but we have made it work.

Happy Easter! Thank you Jesus for blessing our family and making a way when sometimes there seemed no way!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Butterfly Jungle at the San Diego Zoo

Zoo passes have provided us with learning beyond measure over the years. Megan LOVES butterflies and has done deep studies of them. She has butterfly nets at home, books, etc. When I saw the San Diego Zoo was having the "BUTTERFLY JUNGLE" this year I couldn't resist. What better way to get up close and personal and GUARANTEE Megan the ability to study butterflies! 

When we arrived the most serendipitous thing happened  we ran into our cousins! An amazing time was had by all. My family thought it was a secret plan hatched by the two Aunts - but no- it was a secret plan of God that the families spend the day together - we really did not know the other was going to be there! 

When you homeschool be sure to take advantage of exhibits at your local Zoos, museums, etc. They provide learning opportunities no books can ever provide! And maybe you'll run into a random family member too! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Coloring Eggs

Always a good time coloring eggs. The Bugs are joined by Grasshopper for this school time event!

Friday, March 30, 2012


I just LOVE how PROUD Douglas is of his Communion banner! The backwards "S" especially warms my heart. I would never point it out or tell him to re-do it. Those small criticisms, while well meaning, unless pointed out by the child themselves, are left alone in my homeschool. Is this your best work? Yes...then it is fine with me. Kids don't see with the eyes of an adult and unless there is danger no harm-no foul! Having done this with 2 older children, trust me they develop and learn and grow and eventually self correct without the need for even well meaning criticism. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

How to Eat Cold Pizza

Is this a Lesson in your homeschool? It is definitely one in ours! 
Cold Pizza for breakfast is a must! 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Time in Nature

When you work and Homeschool sometimes it is hard to fit everything in. I try to remember there are no "weekends" or Holidays from our school - everything we do is part of it, including today's awesome bike ride and kite flying. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Teachable Moment

When I was going to school to get my teaching credential

(which is NOT needed to homeschool in California, if you are wondering) ,

one thing they emphasized is what is called the

"teachable moment".

Basically when something cool comes up - make it a lesson regardless of your "plans",

when something tragic happens, like 9-11, make a lesson regardless of your "plans"

- it's using the unexpected as a lesson

- and these usually turn out to be the best lessons of all!