Saturday, January 10, 2015

Science Fair

In partnership with the school I work at the girls participated in the science fair. Both of them placed!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It's been a great year

Thank you 2014 for all your Blessings - in our Homeschool, work an Family life. We look forward to continuing to grow together as a family.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Blessing of the Animals

Penny and Terrance were this year's recipients of the Blessing of the Animals!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Attending Comic Conventions

What a great time Daddy, Lightning Bug (Seen here as Starlord) and Doodlebug had at the Long Beach Comic Con with our wonderful cousin and owner of his website comic convention reviews and tips.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Partnering with Local School

How I homeschool is about to change!

The school I work for has agreed to launch an experimental program to test to possibility of partnering with other homeschoolers in our community to offer classes. I am so excited for this program.

For now my #1 and #2 will be taking SCIENCE  as a core class from the school I work in.

Today was our first day of school.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Our Dad is one in a MINION!

We made him Minion bookmarks

Douglas created  a special PURPLE minion cupcake! 

Lauren's Minion Cupcake

Megan even has the "G"  on the overalls! 

The kids had a great time being creative! 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Summer Reading Program!

It's time for the Summer reading program. Our local library has a summer reading program and the kids can earn free things - like coupons to the movies and fast food restaurants. Today Aunt TB took them to get signed up and started!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I got a sweet Mother's day card, gift and flowers today. The Webkins fish is actually a really nice gift as I love to relax in the evening and play Webkins! The games are educational and fun. it helps me stay connected to the kids as they too love to play and collect the Webkins animals!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fun with April Fools Day

These stuffed animals seem to have grown some mustaches...must be April Fools Day!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Art skills continue to develop

Disney Days continue to help develop the Gandara Bug Academy Art Program :-) 

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Douglas Has to have eye surgery. He is having what is called  strabismus surgery. During this surgery,  his eye muscles will be strengthened, to improve alignment.  He has to have both his left and right eye done. He's not scared at all because they gave him an ipad to play with and he rarely gets to play with electronics so this is a novelty! 

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Because I subscribe to the philosophy that everything we do is a learning experience it's never a problem to "cancel" the traditional lessons and say, take a cruise! 

This actually was a VERY SPECIAL cruise. Daddy's godmother was celebrating her 60th birthday and her wish was for the entire family to go together on a cruise. - This was in my opinion, a once in a lifetime event. This is something no school (Except ours!) can provide! So off we went. And boy did we LEARN A LOT! 

The god-parents rented a "party bus" to get all of us to the cruise ship. Goodness was that just the best way to start off a family vacation. I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids, adults or the god-parents themselves! 

  Favorite Aunt Christy remains the favorite by gathering all the nieces and nephews early to snag the hot-tub. The pool was FREEZING, but they ended up swimming if they wanted. 

When we got off the ship we took a bus to see La Bufadora. Anthony and I had seen it when we were young and dating, so taking the kids to see it was amazing.  This is a blowhole and Mexican folklore says it is a holy place. - It's absolutely magnificent, and defiantly created by God- so I consider that Holy indeed. 

Who doesn't want a traditional Mexican tourist picture? 4 Mexicans and 1 Italian seen here! 

A lovely evening with the opportunity for a Family picture. 

When we returned - the Bugs had plenty to write about in their journals and I have 100s of pictures to scrapbook. This is one of my favorites!