Tuesday, August 27, 2019

My favorite thing about homeschooling!

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I really don't have just ONE favorite thing about homeschooling...but if I COULD pinpoint it - it has to be that EVERYTHING is learning. I have taught my children to see learning in everything, everywhere we go. This isn't necessarily unique to homeschooling, I bet your family does it as well. Do you stop to inspect a spider web? Do toys get purchased because they are educational as well as entertaining. These are just a few things that have permeated our homeschool. I also told my children that we had school EVERYDAY. There was no such thing as a day off school, because whatever it was we were doing, there was learning involved. My kids have honestly never asked to "skip" school. I LOVE that! So a few nights ago we were in Hobby Lobby and the kids saw this magnetic sand timer. Good Heavens the world stopped spinning. I hadn't seen this much excitement since Santa brought them their first Perplexus. So needless to say, the magnetic sand timer came home with us thanks to a 50% off sale. Now they are making different piles. Using magnets outside the glass to move the sand... um - HELLO LEARNING, EXPERIMENTATION AND COMMUNICATION! This is between 2 kids who "claim" they are not homeschooled any longer and 1 who is content with his homeschool status. I call this a win. And it looks really cool above the fireplace. What is YOUR favorite thing about homeschooling? Feel free to comment below.

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