Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Change of Grade Day 2019

Every year since the kids about 2009 we have a tradition of starting out our first day of school with a field trip. Homeschooling provides us certain privileges. First day field trip is definitely one of them! They way we are able to make it work as a family is by using Labor Day weekend.... Sigh, it does make things crowded and sometimes a little more expensive, but it is WORTH IT to have all 5 of us together for the 1st day of school. Dads often get "left out" of the home school picture because they have the all important task of going to work! Many Dads are off weekends or have the extra day due to Labor Day Monday - ours always does.  Find what works for you and fashion your first day of school around that. 

Douglas' first day of school will "technically" be Tuesday, September 3rd. Lauren is in College and Megan a Senior at a local high school. Both have already had their first days and no longer fall under my homeschool umbrella. Sometimes I leave them out of things, not to be mean, but they made a choice to attend public school and with that sacrifice the benefits of homeschooling. But not in these back to school traditions. 

This is the second year in a row we went to Disneyland as our "Change of Grade Day" field trip. That's what we call it. We actually went to California Adventure last year. You can read about it HERE

It just made sense to repeat the field trip this year as we did renew the passes as our "fun money" choice and we don't exactly have a money tree in the back yard. After our SUPER trip to Yosemite this summer the Vacation Fund is depleted. 

Another Great tradition we have is the Back to School Fairy - she doesn't bring as much as she used to... no one needs crayons, markers, scissors and the like anymore... but she does try to bring practical items the kids can use like glue sticks and white out tape. Who doesn't need a new spiral notebook? (Resides they were 25 cents at Walmart!) Pencils (hidden), Post it notes and a fun back pack clip from the Target Dollar spot finish up the loot for the year. Lauren and Douglas got new backpacks as well. Megan ended up with 2 last year so she was good. 

Want to see what the Back to school Fairy Brought way back in 2009? How about where we went on our First Day Field Trip? The sweet memories are available HERE

Then if you want to fast forward to 2015 - boy did the Bugs GROW. Check out that post HERE

Feel free to share your Back-to-Homeschool traditions in the comments below!

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