Saturday, September 7, 2019

Family Dinners

Family Dinner - Before I lost my job eating out was a weekly occurrence.
Now we are reconnecting over our own dining room table. The premise is the same. 

This is how we stay connected. It's easier to talk about life when we are
sharing a meal together. Part of Thomas Jefferson Education style is taking
time to go out with each of your children. I have time for each of them at least
biweekly as well as specific family dinner time weekly.

 As the kids get older, I notice it is easy for things to be fragmented.

If we are eating out,  after everyone orders, and while we wait for food,
we put down our phones and we share something about our week.

At home after everyone is seated with their plates, we go around and share.
Easy.  Some days, quite honestly the kids are NOT into it... I have learned
to let it go... forced activities are not what homeschooling and connecting
are about. I just try again next time. If the pattern continues I need to dig
deeper and figure out why. I never let it go more than twice... and they know it :-) 

How do you stay connected to your older schooled / homeschooled kids?
Feel free to comment below.

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