Monday, October 31, 2022

What is the fastest growing education trend in the United States?

Have you heard about the fastest-growing education trend in the United States? 

it's called  ....  “parent-led home-based education.” 

You and I call it HOMESCHOOLING!

2.2. million children are homeschooled in the U.S. today. That's a significant number of families who opt out of public education. 

So why do families choose to homeschool? 

91% of families homeschool because of the school environment.

77 percent of parents who home educate because they want to provide moral instruction to their children.

 74 percent homeschool because they were not happy with the academic instruction at other schools.

There has to be an overlap in those statistics because even my public school educated self knows

91+77+71 does not = 100

BUT... the point is many of us homeschool for the same or similar reasons. 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Tips for when your kids say: I CAN'T

Are your kids fussy doing schoolwork? Perhaps they even say “I Can't” Many time the root cause is because they perceive the task to be HARD.

Here are some things you can do to help your kids stop saying "I Can't" and face their fear of doing hard things.

1. Don’t allow the word CAN’T in your home... 
Give alternatives:
  •  I’m struggling to figure this out. 
  • I will try. 
  • I’m acting as if I can do this math problem. 
2. Be sure you are using your child’s interests to guide instruction.

3. Decompress
Evaluate how much “fun” is being incorporated into your homeschool: Are you celebrating Holidays, Playing Games, or spending enough time outdoors? Many times these “fun” activities are even more educational than the item your child is fussing over. Holidays can teach History, Science, Language Arts and even Math skills.  You may find a game that teaches the exact concept - but kids just think they are playing a game. Getting outside, even for a 15-minute “recess” breaks things up. If you want to be more purposeful in some extra time outdoors, bring a sketchbook and complete an impromptu Nature Study. 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm, and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

What is a Homeschool Mindset Mentor?

 Normally when people ask me, What do you do all day, I give them a funny look. I'm not just home watching Netflix all day. 

When my four-year-old nephew asked, he got a straight answer. So my nephew came to visit the other day. He is in love with my backyard squirrels.

He came over just so he could feed them their peanuts. In order to get to the backyard, we have to pass through. My office, so he sees my computer. The paper piles. Yeah. My desk is not Pinterest-worthy. And he asks, What do you do with all that, Aunt Christy? 

Here's how I explained homeschool mindset mentoring to a four-year-old.

Some kids like you and your sisters, they go to a school, a building down the street with teachers and lots of other kids, and then there are other kids like your cousins who do school at home.

I help families run their school when school is inside their house.

Being four my nephew was really impressed. Maybe you are too.

 Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Monday, October 17, 2022

My Homeschool Do Over


If I could homeschool all over again, I'd use that 2020 vision that hindsight gives us.

I would not focus on curriculum. 

I would not focus on homeschool methods.

I wouldn't even focus on the skills I was teaching my children if I had it to do over.

I would take a deep dive into my core reason for homeschooling. I would use that reason to keep me steadfast on my journey. 

This core reason, that ultimate thing that pushed you to homeschool, it tells you what you value in education the most.

If I could homeschool over I would only focus on THAT, my REASON for homeschooling. 

I hope you find this bit of homeschool mindset advice helpful. 

Until next time, 


Friday, October 14, 2022

How do you feel about those Christmas Decorations in October?


Strolling through Hobby Lobby I actually get excited as soon as the fall decorations are out. I know it won't be long until they put the spring stuff on clearance and MAKE ROOM for Christmas. 

But as homeschoolers, who already have a to-do-list 3 miles long, seeing Christmas Decorations can be overwhelming! 

I want to help you reduce the stress and overwhelm surrounding the holiday season!  Let's get your homeschool ready for the most wonderful time of the. 

Seeing those decorations, have you thinking things like, "I have so much to do", but change that mindset.

Choose a different thought and think about all the wonderful things you want to do.

In my homeschool, we start homeschooling through the holidays in October. You don't have to attend every party, put the Christmas tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving and make a hundred handmade gifts. But if you want to, that's a whole different mindset.

Choose the activities you're going to use as you homeschool through the holiday. And put them on your calendar. 

Now, if you're looking for simple, fun activities, I've got you covered. 

Head over to Happy Hive Homeschooling and subscribe to my email newsletter. This resource is available to subscribers in our exclusive resource library.

But before you go do that, make sure you FOLLOW ME.

 I have more expert tips for homeschooling through the holiday.

Until next time, 