Monday, October 31, 2022

What is the fastest growing education trend in the United States?

Have you heard about the fastest-growing education trend in the United States? 

it's called  ....  “parent-led home-based education.” 

You and I call it HOMESCHOOLING!

2.2. million children are homeschooled in the U.S. today. That's a significant number of families who opt out of public education. 

So why do families choose to homeschool? 

91% of families homeschool because of the school environment.

77 percent of parents who home educate because they want to provide moral instruction to their children.

 74 percent homeschool because they were not happy with the academic instruction at other schools.

There has to be an overlap in those statistics because even my public school educated self knows

91+77+71 does not = 100

BUT... the point is many of us homeschool for the same or similar reasons. 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

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