Monday, November 21, 2022

double standards creeping into your homeschool?


Occasionally, without meaning to, we have double standards when it comes to our kids.

 We expect our kids to ✨ just ✨ do things, even things they view as difficult. 

But we avoid hard things too. ALL HUMANS DO! Our brain 🧠 is wired that way, and it takes a conscious effort to overcome those thoughts. 

The flip side to this struggle, is often that our kids CAN accomplish the task at hand, they are simply craving attention and this is a surefire 🔥 way to get it. 

So 🐝sure your are planning quality time and activities into your homeschool curriculum designed to nurture those special relationships. (You know like Holiday of the day activities!) 

and when your kids are stuck on something ✨difficult✨

use these tips to help:

1. It's ok to help - just make sure your child is doing more work than you are

2. Use language that encourages mistakes - I love how you created your own unique tiger. 

3. Take a break when emotions run high, but be sure to go back to the task so you don't accidentally reinforce getting out of work by crying! 

Save the post for later, Share it with your homeschool bestie and shoot me an email so we can talk about working together on your unique homeschool mindset issues. 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

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