Thursday, December 8, 2022

Why Resolutions Don't Work and What to do Instead

Have you been thinking about the new year ahead? I know I have. ‘Tis the season for making resolutions. 

I don’t make resolutions any longer. 

The theory behind making a New Year’s Resolution is FANTASTIC, don’t get me wrong. Making improvements is always a good thing, but 1/3 of resolutions don’t make it past January. Of those that do, 75% of them are abandoned soon after! We just don’t stick with resolutions because they really don’t mean anything to us! There is no commitment. 

As soon as it gets hard, we give up. That’s a totally normal and human-brain thing to do. Resolutions are action-oriented. In order to get the result we want we decide on actions to get us there. 

Maybe you decide you’re going to get your homeschool lesson plans done, lose weight, give up soda, exercise more, or any number of common resolutions. 

The issue is in order for the actions to work, we absolutely MUST change our thoughts and feelings. 

The minute we slip from the plan, we bully ourselves.

 The lesson plans aren’t done again, I’m not cut out for homeschooling. 

I don’t need lesson plans anyway, I can just wing it. 

So and so has her lesson plans done (and is therefore better at homeschooling than I am) 

This always happens, I want to change but can’t

These thoughts sabotage the actions we have planned. We think actions mean results. 

Rather than make yet another resolution that won’t make it past January, why not give the WORD OF THE YEAR a try this year?  The word of the year helps with our overall mindset. It impacts the quality of our thinking so we can get actual results in our homeschool. 

This is a completely different way to look at goal setting and making resolutions to change. 

 When we change the quality of our thinking we create quality actions! There is no need to bully yourself into changing personally or as a homeschool mom. 

Choosing a word of the year isn’t a new concept - perhaps you already do this. 

Choosing a word of the year is inspiring. The word is designed to guide you and ALL the goals you make for the year. As much as possible, things should tie back to your word. 

The twist I want to suggest is that you choose a word for your homeschool. Something that is all-encompassing for the focus of your school and where you want to take it in the new year. 

You can choose one for yourself as well, but using this technique for your homeschool is empowering and inspiring! 

Choosing a word of the year for your homeschool isn’t as easy as just reviewing a list and circling your favorite. It takes some thought. 

FIRST- You need to make a list of the STRENGTHS/ WEAKNESSES. Ideally, it should be for EVERYONE, yourself included but at a minimum complete this activity for each child of school age.  Do you see any patterns? This list helps you did deep to the root of any mindset issues you may be experiencing. 

Next, you will need to REFLECT on those strengths, weaknesses, and the overall patterns, or lack of patterns. Ask yourself these questions as a guide. 

What does my homeschool need more of? What does my homeschool need LESS of? What does a perfect homeschool day look like? (take time to really visualize this) Take notes if you wish. 

After reflecting, what comes to mind? MAKE A LIST of the words that pop out as a result of your reflection.   Jot down as many words or phrases as you want. If you need inspiration, look at my printable Word of the Year list - there are 75 words to help get you started. 

I advise WAITING a few days before going any further. Let the list marinate like a good piece of meat. After all, you are going to use it as the cornerstone for everything you do for the next 12 months. 

When you feel INSPIRED,  then narrow down your list to 3-5 words. If your kids are old enough, now it’s time to involve them. Define each word and outline a bit of what it would look like having the word inspire and guide the year moving forward. 

For example, If your word for 2022 is INDEPENDENCE, you could begin by potty training the youngest, and letting the older ones have passion projects they work on in the afternoon. Is it time to let any of the kids make their own lunches? 

Another word could be BALANCE. Take a look and see if you have the kids in too many extra activities. Perhaps You lean toward teaching language arts and need to squeeze a little more science in to achieve balance. 

CONNECT - In what ways can you plan individual time for each of your children so you can connect with them on a deeper level over the next year? 

One year I used a phrase - CHOOSE JOY. If I had a fussy bug (I called my kids “The Bugs”) I could always go back and remind them feelings were a choice, and this year we Chose Joy. We were struggling with attitude in those “Tween” years so *CHOOSE JOY* fit. 

What word resonates with the children most? Have them vote, or you can narrow it down to one that makes the most sense. 

Once you finalize your word it needs to be VISIBLE everywhere. The bathroom, the kitchen, your main school area, your planner, even on your phone’s lock screen. When deciding to sign the kids up for baseball in June, you should use the word as your guide. Struggling with a child who begins rushing through work in March, How can your word help? 

I kept a record of our words for 10 years. After that we decided we had chosen all the words that truly defined our family and it was time to put the spit polish on them as a master set. This is one of those activities that can be truly transformative if you allow it. 

I’d love to know your word when you decide, Please do reply and let me know what you pick and I’ll keep it on my desk this year too! I know we can all use positive energy! 

My word for this year is Surender (I need to work on my habit of perfectionism, it is not serving me, my family, or YOU, my homeschool friends!) 

Are you interested in working on your homeschool mindset?

🐝 sure to subscribe to the Buzz! That's my email newsletter. After you subscribe you'll get 25 easy ideas for shifting your homeschool mindset. Click the image to subscribe and get your FREE printable. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Monday, November 21, 2022

double standards creeping into your homeschool?


Occasionally, without meaning to, we have double standards when it comes to our kids.

 We expect our kids to ✨ just ✨ do things, even things they view as difficult. 

But we avoid hard things too. ALL HUMANS DO! Our brain 🧠 is wired that way, and it takes a conscious effort to overcome those thoughts. 

The flip side to this struggle, is often that our kids CAN accomplish the task at hand, they are simply craving attention and this is a surefire 🔥 way to get it. 

So 🐝sure your are planning quality time and activities into your homeschool curriculum designed to nurture those special relationships. (You know like Holiday of the day activities!) 

and when your kids are stuck on something ✨difficult✨

use these tips to help:

1. It's ok to help - just make sure your child is doing more work than you are

2. Use language that encourages mistakes - I love how you created your own unique tiger. 

3. Take a break when emotions run high, but be sure to go back to the task so you don't accidentally reinforce getting out of work by crying! 

Save the post for later, Share it with your homeschool bestie and shoot me an email so we can talk about working together on your unique homeschool mindset issues. 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Friday, November 18, 2022

How to find time for yourself as a busy homeschool mom


How can you be with your kids all day?- I mean ALL DAY! 

As a homeschool parent, I got this question a Lot. 

Aside from the fact they were MY kids and I LOVED being with them... I did have a strategy


This is for ages 0-18 ! Mark off a 2-hour block each afternoon.

Quiet Time is my favorite way to make sure I have time for myself every day. 

 How it works: Each child either takes a nap, reads, plays or studies quietly and most importantly, independently. 

 If your kids share a room, spread them out into different areas of the house. 

The catch is they cannot (except in a well-defined emergency) ask you anything, need a drink, etc. 

  You can use this time as best suited - but ideally, it's YOUR time, not laundry time! 

If you're not using Quiet Time or something similar, what are you waiting for??? 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

5 Strange Facts About HOMESCHOOLING

Some people outside of the homeschool community think homeschoolers turn out weird. 

I'm cool with that. Who wants to be normal anyway? 

Just for fun - here are 5 strange facts about homeschooling. 

They may or may not be the reasons homeschoolers are weird. 

  • Homeschoolers don't have to do the same work as kids in school.  

  •  It's not unusual for classroom teachers to homeschool their own children. (I happen to be one of them!) 

  •  Homeschoolers don't need a high school diploma to get into college. (read that again!)

  •  Over 2.5 million children—and rising—are homeschooled in the United States. 

  • The word “homeschool” was first included in the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1998.

Which of these resonates with you most? 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Monday, November 14, 2022

When will I know Homeschooling is working?

It's been about 3 years since I was actively "Homeschooling". However, in my world - homeschooling and parenting are synonyms. So by that definition - I'm still homeschooling, and always will be. 

Since my kids don't need me every waking minute of the day, I have expanded my homeschool consulting business. 

One of the questions that is more common than you'd think is this: 

When will I know  it's  working?

and by "IT" - they mean homeschooling,

Here's how I knew homeschooling was working in my house: 

My kids would talk about an activity, trip, or resource I used over and over - telling the story to anyone who will listen.  

They promise you they will never homeschool their kids (we raised independent thinkers capable of deciding for themselves). 

They follow your homeschooling social media - just because!

If you are feeling like homeschooling might not be working, I encourage you to slow down and do some evidence-gathering of your own. 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

What's your homeschool power song?


I exercise regularly.  You just burst out laughing right! - Not that kind of exercise, unless I'm running to catch the Ice Cream Truck. 

So what I exercise every day is my brain - because the brain is a muscle.

The brain works really hard every day to prove you right. 

That means if your brain is filled with complaints, doubt, and negative comments about the homeschool experience...

That's what you're going to get...

But if your brain is filled with POSITIVE

THEN THAT'S what you get. 

Don't feel guilty about the negative thoughts - just let them be, and move onto positive thoughts. \

Affirmations are perfect for this.

or even a power song! 

I'm unstoppable is the song I use when the doubt creeps in. What's your song? 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Elephant in your homeschool room


No one talks about this in the homeschool world. It's kinda the elephant in the room...

You're running a school. It can be as formal or as casual as you like, but there's no way around it. 

You're running a school and that takes effort.

There are so many homeschool experts or just those who have walked before us, who minimize the school aspect of homeschooling or they tell you, 


 School is not a bad word. Shift your mindset focus. You're running a school. You wake up in the morning, and you decide I'm running a school like a boss. 

Tell yourself that every morning for two weeks, and I promise you'll notice a difference. Want more epic mindset shifts like this one ? 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Is Homeschooling the right choice?


Are you making the right choice for your children? Of course you are. 

You're making the right choice, and you know what? Other parents are making the right choice too.  Public and private schools are filled with wonderful teachers who are not government spies with indoctrination agendas.

Keep the reason you homeschool close to your heart and don't worry about convincing others that they need to homeschool.

 It's not homeschool versus public school. 

You either like pineapple on your pizza, Or you don't.

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Some homeschool advice should be filed...


You know, filed in the round file.

The Trash Can! 

I see a lot of advice out there that you should NOT set your homeschool up to mimic a classroom experience.

I get it, I really do... asking permission to go to the bathroom, bells, using a whistle ... 

..maybe that's what they're talking about??? 

So many homeschoolers tell other homeschoolers: "Don't Use the School at Home Method" 

But there is nothing wrong with little desks, having a homeschool teacher name, or even packing a lunch every day. 

I Love worksheets. I mean - a major part of my business is trying to sell you things you print, LOL! 

Embrace the things about SCHOOL that are positive, and go ahead and include them. 

Don't run screaming from all things "school" 

Because if you are homeschooling your child..........      YOU ARE RUNNING A SCHOOl. 

Your mindset surrounding that fact matters. 


Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Monday, October 31, 2022

What is the fastest growing education trend in the United States?

Have you heard about the fastest-growing education trend in the United States? 

it's called  ....  “parent-led home-based education.” 

You and I call it HOMESCHOOLING!

2.2. million children are homeschooled in the U.S. today. That's a significant number of families who opt out of public education. 

So why do families choose to homeschool? 

91% of families homeschool because of the school environment.

77 percent of parents who home educate because they want to provide moral instruction to their children.

 74 percent homeschool because they were not happy with the academic instruction at other schools.

There has to be an overlap in those statistics because even my public school educated self knows

91+77+71 does not = 100

BUT... the point is many of us homeschool for the same or similar reasons. 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Tips for when your kids say: I CAN'T

Are your kids fussy doing schoolwork? Perhaps they even say “I Can't” Many time the root cause is because they perceive the task to be HARD.

Here are some things you can do to help your kids stop saying "I Can't" and face their fear of doing hard things.

1. Don’t allow the word CAN’T in your home... 
Give alternatives:
  •  I’m struggling to figure this out. 
  • I will try. 
  • I’m acting as if I can do this math problem. 
2. Be sure you are using your child’s interests to guide instruction.

3. Decompress
Evaluate how much “fun” is being incorporated into your homeschool: Are you celebrating Holidays, Playing Games, or spending enough time outdoors? Many times these “fun” activities are even more educational than the item your child is fussing over. Holidays can teach History, Science, Language Arts and even Math skills.  You may find a game that teaches the exact concept - but kids just think they are playing a game. Getting outside, even for a 15-minute “recess” breaks things up. If you want to be more purposeful in some extra time outdoors, bring a sketchbook and complete an impromptu Nature Study. 

Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm, and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

What is a Homeschool Mindset Mentor?

 Normally when people ask me, What do you do all day, I give them a funny look. I'm not just home watching Netflix all day. 

When my four-year-old nephew asked, he got a straight answer. So my nephew came to visit the other day. He is in love with my backyard squirrels.

He came over just so he could feed them their peanuts. In order to get to the backyard, we have to pass through. My office, so he sees my computer. The paper piles. Yeah. My desk is not Pinterest-worthy. And he asks, What do you do with all that, Aunt Christy? 

Here's how I explained homeschool mindset mentoring to a four-year-old.

Some kids like you and your sisters, they go to a school, a building down the street with teachers and lots of other kids, and then there are other kids like your cousins who do school at home.

I help families run their school when school is inside their house.

Being four my nephew was really impressed. Maybe you are too.

 Hey friend, I'm Christy, your favorite homeschool mindset mentor. I'm here to help you have the home school of your dreams without stress, feelings of overwhelm and "comparisonitis". I hope you subscribe to the blog, or find me on social media:




You can also book a FREE 30-minute onboarding call with me to see if homeschool mindset mentoring is a good fit for you! Click the image below to book your call! 

Monday, October 17, 2022

My Homeschool Do Over


If I could homeschool all over again, I'd use that 2020 vision that hindsight gives us.

I would not focus on curriculum. 

I would not focus on homeschool methods.

I wouldn't even focus on the skills I was teaching my children if I had it to do over.

I would take a deep dive into my core reason for homeschooling. I would use that reason to keep me steadfast on my journey. 

This core reason, that ultimate thing that pushed you to homeschool, it tells you what you value in education the most.

If I could homeschool over I would only focus on THAT, my REASON for homeschooling. 

I hope you find this bit of homeschool mindset advice helpful. 

Until next time, 
